Mercat de Música Viva de Vic 2017


Concept, design and development of the graphic campaign for the 29th edition of the music market Mercat de Música Viva de Vic (MMVV2017). It is a musical event to make know and discover artists and music groups with different styles. The fact that it is a market, not a festival, is what leads us to pay attention to the traditional markets in our area in order to extract its concept.

In the use of the typography we have been inspired by the signs that are so characteristic of these markets stalls. So, we limit the design only to the use of the typography. From there, and by choosing carefully the most suitable typographies, we defined different typographic groups.

We combine the non-serifs typographies with the serifs ones, we use the contrast in the sizes, we set out spatial compositions without reticle and we define different tonalities of red to obtain that controlled disorder that is characteristic of the traditional markets.

Also, it opens us a wide universe of possibilities that we applied to different supports to expand the concept until obtaining the graphical identity of the campaign. Improvisation, festivity, spontaneity, rhythm and effervescence are values that we also want to communicate with the apparent typographical chaos of the graphical campaign.

